
Officers and Committee 

The officers and committee of the River Deben Association are volunteers who freely give their time because they care about the river. While everyone is involved in all the committee decisions, some members take particular responsibility for areas which interest them or in which they are involved, and these are listed below. We are enormously grateful for the outstanding contributions of our publications editor and website manager.

Click the link to see copies of the minutes of recent Committee meetings


Patron:                                            Lord Deben                         

Co-Chairs                                       Colin Nicholson
[email protected]                        To be Advised

Vice-Chair /                                     Liz Hattan

[email protected] 

Secretary /                                       Caroline Peeke
River History
[email protected] 

Treasurer /                                       Moray MacPhail
Membership Secretary

[email protected]
[email protected]

Planning /                                         Sue Orme
Footpaths / Access

River Businesses                             Matt Lis

Social Media                                    Anna-Marie Sellon
[email protected]

Estuary Matters                               Ben Grundy

Upper Deben Representative        To be Advised

Youth Representative                      To be Advised

Co-Opted for election at RDA 2025 AGM
Felixstowe Ferry Representative    Robert Brinkley


Publications Editor                           Julia Jones                                      
[email protected]

 Website Manager                             Alan Comber                                   

Publicity                                             Tristan McConnell

Nature/Conservation                        Jane Haviland

Events                                                To be advised


Contact details for membership secretary: Moray MacPhail, Riverside, Fayrefield Road, Melton, Woodbridge IP12 1NX. [email protected]

Contact details for magazine: [email protected]

Contact details for Social Media/Photos/Communications: [email protected]

Contact details for all other matters: [email protected]